Microsoft Office is a powerful service that helps you release your best ideas to get things done and visit associated on it is go.MS Office applications with new and enhanced features continually being added. It is Microsoft Excel spreadsheet platform that features calculation, graphic tools, pivot tables, and macro programming language support for programs commonly used in an office situation. There are various function of MS office in.

Monday, July 20, 2020

IF Function in Excel most important

 IF FUNCTION is one of Excel is logical functions that values a certain condition and returns the value you specify if the condition is TRUE, and another value if the condition is FALSE.

Syntax : = IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) Enter

As you now see, IF FUNCTION has 3 arguments, but only the first one is required, the other two are optional.

Example Step:-


STEP 1. LOGICAL_TEST (required) – It is value or logical appearance that can be either TRUE or FALSE. In this argument, you can specify a text value, date, number, or any comparison operator.

For example, your logical test can be expressed as =IF (A3>300,


STEP 2. VALUE_IF_TRUE (optional) – It is value to return when the logical test evaluates to TRUE, that is  if the condition is met.

For example, the following formula will return the text "First" if a value in cell B1 is greater than 300: =IF(A3>300, "First")


STEP 3. VALUE_IF_FALSE (optional) - the value to be returned if the logical test evaluates to FALSE, that is. if the condition is not met.

For example, if you add "Bad" as the third parameter to the above formula, it will return the text "First" if a value in cell A3 is greater than 300, otherwise, it will return "Fail =IF(A3>300,"First","Fail")

FOR EXAMPLE : =IF(A3>300,"First","Fail") ENTER

Information  :- In This formula we have wrong write word of (Fail ) below screen shot please correct self  Thank you

  STEP 1.  

If if true is omitted value_

If the value_if_true argument is omitted in your Excel IF formula (i.e. there is only a comma following logical_test), the IF function returns zero (0) when the condition is met. Here is an example of such a formula: =IF(D3>300,,"Fail") and Second =IF(D2>300,"","Fail")

In this case you don't want you’re an Excel IF statement to display any value when the condition is met, enter double quotes ("") in the second parameter, like this: =IF(D3>300,,"Fail").And second =IF(D2>300,"","Fail") Technically, in this case the formula returns an empty string, which is invisible to the user but perceivable to other Excel functions.

Now see Result below: -

Information  :- In This formula we have wrong write word of (Fail ) below screen shot please correct self  Thank you


If value_if_false is omitted

If you don't care what happens when the specified condition is not met, you can omit the 3rd parameter in your Excel IF formulas, which will result in the following.


And in this case if the logical test evaluates to FALSE and the value_if_false parameter is omitted (there is just a closing bracket after the value_if_true argument), the IF function returns the logical value FALSE. It's a bit unexpected, isn't it? Here is an example of such a formula: =IF(D2>300,"first")


It is putting a comma after the value_if_true argument forces your IF statement to return 0,/ False which doesn't make much sense either: =IF(D2>300,"first")

For the example :-

👉Let see display logic values TRUE AND FALSE

It is an Excel IF FORMULA to display the logical values TRUE and FALSE when the specified condition is met and not met, correspondingly, type TRUE in the value_if_true argument. The value_if_false parameter can be FALSE or omitted. It is here a formula example:

                    =IF(E2>300,"True",FALSE) Enter

                    =IF(E2>300,,"False") Enter

👉 First Example :- if any product has been sold then will come "YES" other wise "

👉In case this case formula insensitive IF formula for text values will come on you office so you can use easily below example :-

Let see now example:-  

                                =IF(E2="Sold","Yes","No") Enter

👉Second Example :- And one more this way to achieve exactly the same result is to use the "not equal to" operator and swap the value_if_true and value_if_false arguments what should we do?

Let See Example :-

                                          =IF(E2<>"Sold","No","Yes") Enter


👉Third Step :- Suppose that will come out on you have question it is use to IF FUNCTION in combination with EXACT that compares two text strings and returns TRUE if the strings are exactly the same, otherwise it returns FALSE. The EXACT functions is case-sensitive, though it ignores formatting differences then what should we do let see example:-


                     =IF(EXACT($E2,"Sold"),"Yes","No") Enter

1 comment:

if you have any doubt let me known will
give suggestion in this site

Thank you so much

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